Order Harp Seal Oil Capsules from Canada to Hong Kong

We ship our product from Canada to Hong Kong using Canada Post Expedited Shipping. You will receive your order usually between 7 to 14 business days. See our special offer below. 從加拿大訂購海豹油膠囊至香港 我們使用加拿大郵政加快郵遞服務,將產品從加拿大運送到香港。您通常會在7至14個工作日內收到您的訂單。 請查看下面的特別優惠。

Great Price!

We are currently offering a case of 36 bottles of Harp Seal Oil to Hong Kong for the price of $599 + $250 shipping = $849 CAD. In Hong Kong dollars, that translates to HK$4864. Each bottle contains 240 capsules (500mg each). Price per bottle = HK$135 (as of April 29, 2024). Of course you can order other quantities, but this is the best value!

High Quality Canadian Harp Seal Oil